Showing 151 - 170 of 170 results
November 2012
- Matt Daus, Windels Marx Author "Proposed Model Regulations for Smartphone Applications in the For-Hire Industry"
October 2012
- Reinstatement of Accelerated Mortgage Loans
- Scott Matthews Authors "Constructing Solid Employment Agreements" for "Inside the Minds" Publication
June 2012
- Windels Marx Publishes New Report Entitled "Rogue" Smartphone Applications for Taxicabs and Limousines: Innovation or Unfair Competition?
- Livery Street Hail Litigation: Analysis & Predictions
May 2012
- The JOBS Act - Impact on Community Banks
- Overview of New Street Hail Laws and Proposed TLC Rules
- Proper Planning & Considerations When RIFs are Unavoidable
January 2012
- Overview and Highlights of Chapter Amendment to S.5825, A.8496
- Matthew Daus Pens NY Times Op-Ed Entitled "Hailing the Wrong Taxi"
December 2011
- Michael Clain Pens "When Importer Security Filing Rules Conflict With Accepted Trade Finance Practice" for the BNA Banking Report
- New York State Wage Theft Prevention Act: Compliance With The Annual Notice Requirement
August 2011
- Requirements on Secondary Market Disclosure Filings After U.S. Downgrade by Standard & Poor's by Gary Walsh and Laurie Schwartz
- Important Worker Classification Tips for Transportation Businesses Authored by Matt Daus and Jasmine Le Veaux
- Important Medallion and Outer-Borough Street Hail Permit Updates Summarized by Matt Daus
- Urban Transit Hub Amendments Summarized by Tony Coscia and Charles Liebling