On the Radio - Pat Russo visits La Voz Del Volante
On Saturday, March 5, 2016, Pat Russo (Senior Special Counsel, New York) appeared on the "La Voz Del Volante Radio Show" on Radio WADO, 1280 AM. The show is hosted by Fernando Mateo and Jose Viloria, founders of the New York State Federation of Taxi Drivers. Pat provided legal commentary and analysis to discuss the recently-proposed legislative package from the New York City Council concerning for-hire transportation. Among the legislative provisions of note is Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito's bill to require that passengers of black car services be provided with fare estimates upon request, and that the transportation company or app may not exceed the fare estimate by more than 20 percent.
A second key bill would create a universal driver's license for taxi drivers and for-hire drivers in the livery, black car and luxury limousine sectors. A third bill would require that the NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission produce rules that would ensure passenger privacy and data security for passenger information - which is of interest given the infusion of app companies in the for-hire industry these past several years. Pat has provided legal commentary on the radio show on previous occasions to discuss transportation matters.